The IP Quizzards
About The Competition
The Quiz is open to anyone who has an interest in Intellectual Property Rights or wants to learn more about the scope and ambit of every aspect of the IP Law related issues. This program highlights IP Laws in the areas of Global Competition, protection of one’s interest in intellectual property, need for IP laws in India, important terms related to IP Laws, Recent Judgements on IPR, and many more topics.
The quiz will be based on Intellectual Property Rights, recent IP news, important IP judgments in India and abroad.
The quiz is open to students from 5-year L.L.B, 3-year L.L.B.
The quiz will comprise of 50 MCQs to be attempted in 20 mins, time taken by individual will be recorded
Every question will carry 2 marks & there will be a negative marking of -0.25 marks for every wrong answer.
The quiz will be based on Intellectual Property Rights, recent IP news, important IP judgments in India and abroad.
The quiz is open to everyone.
Participation as a team is not allowed.
The quiz will be conducted on Quizizz, Kahoot, or any other platform, as decided by the organizer (participants will be informed about the platform 3 days before the competition).
Any technical issue faced by any participant shall entirely be at their responsibility and organizers owe no liability/responsibility towards the same.
Participants shall ensure decent internet connectivity and are advised to be online at least 30 minutes before the quiz begins.
Certificate of Participation will be given to all participants.
All certificates shall be in digital form and will be sent on the e-mail id after the competition is over and it may take 10-15 working days to provide E-Certificates to the participants. A hard copy will not be provided by the organizers.
The decision of the Organizers shall be final and binding in relation to any matter connected with the competition.
Participants are advised to check their mailboxes regularly for updates.
Media Partners
Registration is free and open to all. Please click on the registration button given below.
Important Dates
Timeline for Registration: 3rd June – 13th June 2020 (23:59 hours)
Date of the Event: 14th June 2020 (04:00 P.M. - 05:00 P.M.)
Result declaration: 17th June 2020
Certificate of Merit for Top 3 Winners.
Participation Certificates will be provided to all.
In case of a query, please click on "Get in Touch" on our menu. We will get back to you within 24 hours.
Organizing Team
Ujjwal Singh
Mohd Rameez Raza
Raj Shekhar
Ankur Jain
Nisheeth Chandrachoor
Rahul Lalwani
Sneha Singh
Arnav Amaya
Akash Verma
Note - The first three participants will be awarded "Certificate Of Excellence" and the next seven will be awarded "Certificate Of Merit". The E-Certificates will be emailed to respective candidates by the end of the month. The participation e-certificates for all eligible candidates will be emailed by the end of the month.
UPDATE : All eligible certificates are sent, if you don't see it in your inbox please check your 'spam' folder. You'll receive the certificates only if you are eligible. Please check the eligibility on top of this page.